Farm City Day 2015

Farm City Day is an event that is held each year at the Southern Middle Tennessee Pavilion in Winchester to showcase agriculture for young children. All aspects of farming are highlighted to showcase the importance of farming in everyday life.

Children learn about farm life with the animals and can see how wool is made from sheep and how milk comes from a cow. They even get to touch some of the animals, like baby goats, chicks, and horses. They also learn about how crops are changed into other products, like clothes and fuel, and learn some harvests are not just for food.

Franklin County Soil Conservation District partnered with Natural Resources Conservation Service to present the importance of protecting our natural resources. We also had help from Ruby Raindrop and Sammy Soil to emphasize to the kids the importance of conserving water and taking care of our natural resources. This year we talked to over 500 kindergarteners and first graders about telling others not to litter and saving water while brushing their teeth. Each group followed along to say the Conservation Kid pledge. Every child got to trace their hand and write their name on a banner to take back to their school to show they are Conservation Kids.


The UT Extension office put together bags with items provided by participants to give to the schools and pass out to the kindergarteners and first graders. The FCSCD made wildflower seed packets with a wildflower mix donated to them by Bamert Seed Company. Thank you, Bamert. There were enough left over to use at another Farm City Day event held in Moore County, and if there are any packets remaining, they will possibly be used in another educational project for a summer project with children.