Local Partnership Introduces Children to Soil Education and Natural Resource Conservation

Children’s Education:

The 2nd graders of Huntland and Broadview elementary schools were introduced to the importance of our soil and natural resources through a partnership with Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), Franklin County Soil Conservation District (FCSCD), The Home Depot, and Tractor Supply.

Kevin Edge, soil conservationist with NRCS and LaDonna Caldwell, district conservationist with NRCS in Franklin County spent time with students teaching them about how important the soil is to our everyday lives. The children were actively engaged in hands on experiences in determining what materials are found in the soil and discovering how those materials are worked down into the ground.

The children were able to sift through Dewey and Emory soils from different locations and find these different types of materials. They were even surprised to find earthworms in many of the soils which they all found fun to play with. Kevin stated: “I think this has been a great experience for the kids. They have learned the importance that soils play in their lives when it comes to the clothes they wear, foods they eat, and even most things they drink. All of the children had the opportunity to feel the soil, smell the different types of soil, and I think a few of the braver ones may have even tasted it; I think I saw a few “dirty” mouths. It’s also great to have local partners willing to purchase or donate materials to this great cause as well.”



Huntland Elementary School                                                          Broadview Elementary School


At the conclusion of the school year, the children were be presented with their own tomato plant that they get to take home and plant in their own garden or pot. Parents of the students were encouraged to capture a photo of their child with their plant and the first tomato from their plant and bring it to the NRCS/FCSCD office in the Winchester federal building where it will be displayed in the main office.




Booklets and pencils provided to the children were purchased by the Franklin County Soil Conservation District. The greenhouse used to grow the tomatoes in was donated by Tractor Supply Inc.. The pots, potting soil, seeds, and tools were donated by The Home Depot.

Thank you to all the sponsors for your generous purchases and donations provided to the program.